17 year recap
HELLOI'm sorry for being MIA for so long. The last time I blogged, I was working on my exec VP app and preparing to run.
I guess starting from there, I didn't get the position. I mean...yeah I was upset. I guess that's why I didn't blog much? I just didn't really feel like it was something I wanted to talk about. Like being completely honest, it sucked. It still sucks! But it's okay, because things always work out in the end--maybe not the way you wanted it to, but it will work out.
Anyways, getting back to the point of this blog post--IS MY BIRTHDAY TOMO BRUHH
It's a bit strange since it's my first birthday ever away from my parents and away from home. I've gotten used to the 100 balloons my mom ties on the staircase after I fall asleep on the night before my birthday so I wake up to birthday balloons. I've gotten used to rushing back home to open the door to my room to 100 more balloons and my gift standing proudly on my bed. I've gotten used to going out to dinner with my parents (Macaroni Grill), ordering Pasta Milano, and blowing out candles on my tiramisu cake.
But change is good :) and so far, this weekend has had a great start. But I'll recap that in a later post after tomorrow.
I never imagined that coming to college, I would have found such an amazing group of friends, mentors, and peers. I NEVER imagined the amount of support and love I've gotten this past year.
I think birthdays are a great time to recap on what you've done the past year, but I think it's even more important to be grateful and reflect on what you've been thankful for the past year.
This year, I am thankful for:
-My family flying out from California to come to my high school graduation. It was so cool and I felt so loved having Zhao Xin, Rick, and Zhao Rei come cheer me on and spend time with me.
-Mrs. Brown supporting me throughout my final year and encouraging me to put on a senior recital for my friends and family. The amount of support I've gotten from her over the past 10 years is something I didn't always realize, but as it culminated in my senior year, I realized how much she has honestly helped me throughout my personal and musical development.
-Mrs. Karen for giving me the opportunities to volunteer, which inspired my love for giving back. She's given me so much experience, and inspired my love of volunteering. I'll never forget her for that.
-My high school friends for coming out to my senior recital and supporting me for my last major high school event. Also the fact they brought me flowers and made me feel special :')
-My parents, for their endless support and love even when I acted like a little shit.
-My brother, for staying up with me on the phone to give me to give me tough love about college and...boys LOL
-My true blue friends from Flower Mound. Starting college, I felt like I had lost all my high school friends and that none of them were real. I think the best part about this is that you really do find out who your real friends are, and that those are the friends you will keep in life. Thank you for your support, two hour long phone calls catching up on drama, and being able to be my dumb self around you guys all the time. I love you <3 p="">
-Lila, thanks for putting with all my shit as a roommate LOL
-Amanda & my branch, for teaching me that its okay to be myself, and its okay to mess up, and grow. This year would've been impossible without you guys.
-My college friends, for giving me so much love and support. It's strange how someone you meet in a year can suddenly be just as close as someone you've known since the 7th grade. Never have I met people that I just feel so at home with; whether its 2 am pancake runs, midnight talks, going crazy together at McCombs, exploring Austin together, dates, HEB runs, and just being my family.
-ABSA, for allowing me to be myself and discover that sometimes its ok to be a little ratchet c;
I'm very excited for this upcoming year. If it's even as half as fulfilling and joyous as this year has been, I will be very happy :)
kk i gotta go to halal with jelly now
Hi sorry I'm back
It's currently 11:50 PM on May 7th, 2016
Here are my last minute thoughts as a 17 year old WHICH actually is not even accurate bc its not like I was born on midnight
Currently listening to Suicide Saturday by Hippo Campus
I'll switch to Katy Perry's birthday in like 8 min LOL #dumbaf
ok now i'm listening to birthday sex LOL (when u can't get any ;~;
anyways yeah i guess I don't have any last minute thoughts. 3 minutes left.
oh god I'm so scared for 18
17 was a good year. 17 was an awesome year, and I don't want to let it go.
1 more minute. oh god I'm scared.
we got this. we can do this :)
im so dumb rn OMG it's just a birthday tiana chill tf out
its my 18th birthday :-)
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