experiencing FYM today from the other side kind of made me understand why I love ABSA again
I kinda got lost in the negative sophomore mentality for a while but after tonight I just feel very grateful
sorry not much to report, just slowly trudging through accounting
like I'm so tired i just wanted to get that down before i forgot
so i thought it'd be a good idea to document my feelings down
i feel like a failure
i feel like i can't do anything right
i feel like i'm not good enough
i feel like i won't ever be good enough
i know with all these upcoming things i'm applying to, most (if not all) will be rejections
and i don't know why i'm subjecting myself to all of them?? why don't i just give up now
i'm just not good enough
ugh ok gdi i knew someone i know was reading my blog
smh @ u
actually not rlly bc tbh if someone I knew had a personal blog that was public on the internet I'd probs read it too
now I have no views anymore LOL
I can't decide which one is worse--knowing that your blogs are being read and having viewers, but those viewers are people who actually know you in real life--or, not having to worry about people in real life reading your personal thoughts but also not getting any views
ok gn
accounting is..........time consuming
I have so many random bruises on my legs?? I don't recall getting hit by any cars or falling down any frat party stairs recently
I'm having trouble describing this current feeling
i don't know
side note:
you know when you have some past memories that are just totally feel-good memories?
one of mine is christmas of 2014--junior year of high school, and i just got back from Chicago with orchestra after performing at midwest.
Tony was visiting for the holidays, and we also got to take care of Cody since his family was on vacation. I had to sleep on the couch in the game room, but it was warm inside the house and snowing outside and I just remember being really happy about this typical traditional American day (as American it can get with a Chinese family celebrating it lol) and I also remember being happy that I actually had gifts to contribute this year from Chicago.
another is a bit more general but visiting California every year for summer/christmas. it doesn't feel quite the same anymore now that I'm in college, but yeah. I remember going to breakfast/brunch places with zhao xin and rick, or walking ET with zhao rei and jack. and then of course jack just leaves one day and I don't find out about it until months later.
actually I'm just going to mention that right now
it fucking hurt when I found out that jack left and I would never see him again. I was in high school, I wasn't like a little kid who wouldn't understand. break ups happen, divorces happen. life sucks. you're not just supposed to leave a family member after 15 years of knowing them without a goodbye.
the thing I miss the most, even though it is very lame, is the running joke I kept up with him for literally ten years. Age is kind of a taboo thing to ask in our family (or i guess in Asia in general or whenever someone just starts getting old lol) but since I was literally like seven years old I always asked him, 'Jack, 你几岁?" which is "Jack, how old are you?"
It kept up over the years and whenever I would start my question out with "Jack...." we would try to beat each other to it by asking the other person how old they are. It sounds absurd now that I am typing it out but
I like how this started out as a feel-good memories thing but it just turns to this ha
i don't know why i'm so sad? i feel like this kind of feeling is supposed to wear off after a day or two, maybe a few days. not for this long.
i think the reason why i'm having trouble describing or writing about this feeling is kinda the shame I feel from feeling this. Does that make sense?
I shouldn't be feeling this way. I have friends, I have a family, I have a place to live with a warm comfortable bed and a fridge full of way too much food. Therefore, I feel shameful from being sad--there is no reason for me to feel this way. you know?
okay I guess I should do more work now.
also idk who tf is reading this but i hope this is somewhat entertaining
i just woke up and i haven't even showered yet so i feel absolutely disgusting
i kind of want to go work out before i shower but i don't think i can physically handle that right now lmao
rf;rh;rufruvfn i'm not doing that again for a while
UGH i feel like i can't write in here my proper thoughts and feelings because i know people are reading this and it makes me paranoid that I don't know who
last night was nidia's birthday party so it was really cool seeing everyone (well, most) from Shanghai again. G and i went to 6th for a bit but it wasn't too fun so we just came back early and I went back to nidia's to chill.
yeah honestly
other than special occasions (like birthdays lol) i'm going to take a break from all that for now
okay today
well first i need to shower
and then i need to figure out a way to stop being depressed
and then i need to study and do homework
ok good plan
i need to stop being so whiny and get my stuff done lmao
uGHDHSHGFHGDHFGH ok im gonna go work on my apps now
for like 30 min bc then I'm going out with g to eat dinner and shanghai reunion
also while I am writing this I would just like to reemphasize for like the 100th time on this blog that feelings suck
except this time around the tables are turned and I feel bad but I don't know what to do
so one of my roommates basically gave up talking to boys until she gets an internship this summer; and while I admire her resilience, I don't think I could do the same
I think I could!! i'm tired af of "talking" and this year I need to figure my shit out on my own and seriously just these experiences from this past year is making me feel so ick about boys
why am I writing on here and not my applications
ok goodbye
i'm sorry my writing is so jumbled recently; I'm so paranoid that people I know are reading my blog so I've just been writing in my own journal. Honestly I feel like if I wrote on here what I write in my personal journal people would probably call 911 l o l
ok bye
Jeast 6th Floor Bathroom Stall #1
When someone retraces their first year in college, most memorable spots are common: your dorm room on the 6th floor of Jester East where you and friends crammed onto your tiny twin sized bed to do face masks and watch scary movies, the bushes right next to 6-pack where you fell into at midnight when that cute boy was walking you home, Wendy's at 3 am eating drunk fries, McCombs 5th floor where you pulled multiple all nighters, the apartment complexes in West Campus where you first made out with a boy you don't even remember...etc etc(lol)
Those are all pretty significant places to me.
My most significant place in my first year of college is bathroom stall #1 on the 6th floor of Jester East.
Think about it. People have all these memorable places that they walk through again when they're a senior, showing their friends all these places, and when its my turn, its a freaking bathroom stall in my freshmen dorm.
I have 3 particular memories that make this such a memorable spot:
1. The time I got dumped
We're on the stairs outside of Greg, facing Jester. It's almost midnight. I'm wearing my Chicago orchestra hoodie (the really oversized one that makes me look like a blueberry) and sweatpants. I brought tissues in my hoodie pocket because I was expecting to cry, but then make up, hug, kiss, go back to my room and go to my third day of class tomorrow.
I don't remember what he's wearing. He's quiet, he's fiddling with the Texas keychain I gave him, but then it comes out quietly.
Maybe we should break up.
I don't know how we managed to stay out there for another 3 hours. How many times did I beg him to not do this?
By the time we leave, it's past 3 am. My sweatshirt is covered with snot and tears (lovely) and of course, I don't have my ID with me to get back into my dorm. I pathetically knock on the doors outside to get the attention of the person at the front desk, and nod my head while sobbing my eyes out as the girl asks me, "Are you okay?"
Yes--I just started college 2 days ago with my boyfriend of 1.5 years and he just dumped me and I have no friends here, but I'm okay!
I get to my room. Lila is asleep, and the first person I call is Madhuri. She doesn't pick up; of course she doesn't pick up, its 3 am on a school night and she's asleep.
I can't talk in my room anyways. I stumble to the bathroom and lock myself in the first stall bathroom.
It's 3 in the morning on a school night. There's only two people who would answer my call at this time.
"Hello? Mui? What are you doing up so late?"
I spend the next 2 hours bawling while sitting on the toilet to my mother. Mom, I can't do this, I want to come home, let me come home, let me switch schools, why would he do this, please--
I'm interrupted halfway by a girl blow drying her hair outside my stall. Funny now, but annoying as shit at the time. I just got dumped, I'm trying to talk to my mom here, can you please be fucking quiet?
It's almost 5 am when I end the call.
And that's the first significant moment I had in the bathroom stall.
2. The time I got too drunk
It happens to everyone okay??
I can't write too much about this, not because I don't want to, but because I don't remember (lol).
It's Zack's Valentine's day party. I go with Anna, Genny, and her boyfriend. I'll be good this time, I promised, I have to. TUSPC is tomorrow, so I can't be hungover.
Something happened, alcohol, dancing, music, it's 3 am (?), I'm running down the stairs, someone is shouting, "dude she's wasted, help her", Nick is holding me, Zack is telling me to get in the fucking car, and Sang-Bin pulls over right in front of Jester when I throw up.
Anna helps me to my dorm. I manage a (creepy, I'm sure) grin at the person at the front desk. Nope, I'm not drunk at all.
I barely make it into the bathroom stall when I throw up some mixture of vodka and cranberry juice into the bowl. It's a pretty shade of red. It could even be my favorite color, if I hadn't just heaved it out from my stomach.
A girl knocks on the stall. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah," I slur, and I heave the next pile of vomit into the bowl.
Yes, I was very hungover for TUSPC the next day.
3. The time I was too stressed
It's a few weeks before finals, and as everyone knows, the few weeks before finals is almost as stressful as finals itself because its when all the professors pile up the exam before the final exam on you.
I think I had a Econ exam coming up, and my advertising exam was the next day. I'm not sure. I just remember I was very stressed.
I go to sleep around 2 am, and I wake up around 4 with the most pain in my stomach I've ever had. My bed is bunked and I try my best to get off without killing myself or waking Lila up from her sleep.
The last thing I remember is punching in the bathroom code and opening the door. The next thing I see is the bathroom floor right in front of my face.
I'm laying on the tile floor of the bathroom in the first stall, which as I start realizing I'm thinking this is fucking disgusting, the floor is disgusting and I'm laying on it with my clean PJs on. Why am I here??
This one isn't as fun or interesting as the other 2, unfortunately. I just passed out in the stall because of stress (according to the school nurse).
I feel like there were more instances in which this bathroom stall was so significant to me, but I guess not since I don't remember.
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been working (lol) and traveling abroad in Shanghai. Update coming soon maybe
HELLOOOO from the other side (the 18 year old side)
sorry for the late post but here it is!
I'm currently listening to Blackbear but I need some new music god help me I am so tired of my playlist
okay so prepare for a spam of birthday pics!!
This birthday was honestly amazing. It was my first birthday away from home, away from my parents, in a (kinda unfamiliar) place, and I was really not expecting much at all--a couple birthday wishes, maybe a card or something. idk.
My birthday was on a Sunday, and the Friday before, Kaylee & Daniel & I wanted to dress up and go to this japanese street food place for lunch after class.
We stopped by the new bridge to take pics and be vain af:
we cute :3
"i don't know what i'm doing with my arm"
made the pics XL for you to enjoy
jkjk that sounds really vain oh god they're not even that great quality since they're shot from my iPhone
pc: daniel
Black dress: Brandy Melville
Plaid shirt: UT Women's Exchange lol
Shoes: F21
oh god food that day was quite the hassle...we tried going to the jap food place but they weren't open until 3, so we walked all the way to food trucks and those were closed, and then we walked to good juju cafe and that was just SHUT DOWN, so finally we just went to
omg i forgot
I FORGOT THE NAME OK but they had some pretty good burgers/sandwiches
(as you can see me excited to devour my food)
and then later on that evening, Zack asked if I was free for my "surprise"
I was like wat
so he picked me up and he said he had to go to barton creek to return some stuff on the way to my "surprise" so i was like ok cool whatever
but it turned out my "surprise" WAS at barton creek....
o m g
ok i know its going to sound like I'm just saying this bc it happened but I honestly always wanted to go to build-a-bear as an older person with my SO and get a build a bear together
and although I am not dating zack (lol) having a friend do something so....nice for me honestly made me want to cry
and then we went to the food court and shared a teriyaki dinner LOL my fav
thank you zack. this is hands down, one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me on my birthday, and something I won't ever forget.
I know it may seem silly or stupid, since yeah its just a stuffed dinosaur whatever but not to me.
sagar's friend's bday party lol
bc when ur happy and in the bathroom together why not selfie
hi gen
hi alex
also my eyelash is coming off
me: "alex, can i borrow some glue?"
alex: "why do you need glue..."
me: "..."
goodnight world (also #hookem)
okay and then I don't remember what happened on Saturday most of the day tbh
ohh Jennifer and I went out to Halal bros for dinner and she gave me this assortment of chocolate for my birthday. tbh I should've taken a picture bc I already ate all of it...but there was this awesome margarita chocolate LMAO cos she knows me
so 11 pm comes around and Genny keeps texting me and asking to come up
she got me tiramisu cheesecake from cheesecake factory :')
THANK YOU GENNY for satisfying my fatass dessert craving and being such a good friend :')) idk why i keep writing these thank yous when no one reads my blog lol
midnight rolls around
im 18!
and i'm just laying in bed and watching anime and talking to lila. ya know. typical saturday night.
jk but really i was planning to just finish Erased (which I still have not done!!!) and chill in for the rest of the night...when...
okay idk if you can watch the video or not but right before 1 am, my branch + friends BARGE into my room (ofc its unlocked) and start singing happy bday while holding a strawberry milkshake for me.
(I was complaining earlier that week to Sabeeha that I was really craving a strawberry milkshake)
my thoughts while this happened:
omg is that...?
fak my bras are hanging on the side of my bed and they can all see
why are they all guys
is that a strawberry milkshake???
thank god i didn't take off my makeup
i am so happy
got out of my bed, put on shorts, and talked to them a bit outside in the hallway.
literally my best surprise ever :'))
so that day, (Sunday), my branch took me & jeffrey out to brunch (since it was his birthday the week before):
Waltons!!! tried taking photogenic food pic but i suck at it.
thank you.
after that, amanda took me to get my nails done:
kaylee's mirror makes me look 6 feet tall lmao
keeping it real
EOS/banquet selfie :)
lmao this pic still makes me crack up
zack :')
how far we've come
more gramps
omg I'm sorry I'm too lazy to rotate ok
NICK. so so so thankful for everything this semester.
its funny how someone you could've never met just somehow comes into your life in the most random way possible, and ends up impacting it in a way you could've never imagined. cheesy, but really, how does this happen?
more mom
sorry my captions r so basic I'm just tryna fit everything in ok
big booty johnnnn
ok sometimes i feel like I'm being creepy? like these are my friends (mostly) and I'm posting pics of us and stuff online and they don't know about it...like is this something I should be concerned about? is this something that I shouldn't be doing??? idk but at the same time I'm just like...this is my life you know and i have people in my life
if i didn't include pics of people i would literally just have 5 pics in every blog post forreal
i think the only reason I'm ok with it is cos I don't have a following or anything on my blog lmao its literally only me reading these posts
if they asked me to take it down i would 100% take their pics down ok
3/4 froomies take EOS
roll call...
how many laughs I've shared with you this past year :')
ok and then the business meeting after...
tbh this is the only pic i can find and i don't even remember taking this
...yeah it was a pretty bad night
......ok moving on
LILA freaking got me my first polo hat :')))) omfg I'm actually very thankful that I had her as a roommate this year...holy shit she's helped me through so much (esp at the beginning of the year) and this transition would not have been as easy without her. forever thankful
ok fast forward to this past wednesday when I got home:
Oh god just aside from the gift for a sec....I missed my parents. a lot.
being in college is very nice and I'm not gonna lie i miss it a shit ton rn but theres no feeling like going downstairs to a home cooked meal and chilling in your own privacy without having someone ten feet away from you.
I've been wanting a fossil watch for so long and I finally got one :') #blessed #thankful #okthisisannoying #illstopnow
Okay and since I didn't write one last year (smh @ my 17 year old self), here is my letter to self:
Dear 19 year old Tiana,
Well right now as I'm writing this I'm depressed af because I just read through Amanda's last email again and idk for what reason inspired me to go back and look at messages she and Sabeeha sent me after I didn't get the VP position. yeah idk I'm dumb
Okay well first of all, what kind of age is 19? literally there is nothing significant about turning 19, you might as well just go about your day like any other day OKAY I AM SORRY I'm still sad af and I shouldn't be writing this right now while I'm feeling like this
I don't know. All I can think about is at this time next year, I would've applied for another VP position again (hopefully), and whether I got it or not. It's not the MOST important thing in the word, I know it's not! yet its still so significant to me.
I know I made a video in preparation of not getting VP, and I was about to do the same in words here if I don't get it again next year. but fak that lmao Tiana if you don't get it a 2nd time in a row that's just meant to be.
I can just imagine next year if I don't get it and reading that ^ and sobbing my heart out like "fuck you 18 year old tiana why you gotta be such a bitch"
but seriously, it's not the end of the world. OK IT feels like shit. I KNOW IT FEELS LIKE SHIT IT STILL FEELS LIKE SHIT! I'm reminded of it so easily. I'm reminded of it every time I see anything to do with exec, even if its our own exec pictures. I'm reminded of it every time I look at my snapchat story, I'm reminded of it every time I think about this past year, I'm reminded of it every time I think about next year!!
It fucking sucks. It sucks because I don't want to talk about it with my friends because its a feeling that I can't really express. It sucks because everyone thinks I'm okay with it, I'm over it, and I'm not. But I can't say that. Because I'm supposed to be ok.
It sucks because it feels like betrayal. I think the beginning of this year (freshmen year) was the worst feeling of betrayal I've ever felt in my life. I don't think there are any words to describe the feeling when someone you literally trust with your life breaks your heart.
This failure to me was like...100 mini break ups. It felt like 100 failures--I did my best, and I still was not accepted.
ok this is a very shitty birthday letter LOL I'm sorry.
I guess my point is this (and I'm totally winging this bc I just thought of it)--the breakup was imo the worst feeling of betrayal I had ever felt at the time. It was absolutely terrible. The feeling was indescribably lonely and terrible. And now? yeah occasionally I'm still wistful about certain aspects of the relationship, but I think its one of the best things that could've happened for me.
In a similar sense, what you're feeling now, the feeling of 100 mini failures--it sucks. and It'll probably keep sucking for a while, and then suck occasionally next year when you are reminded of it again. but its okay! because in a couple months (a year?) you'll think--that is the best thing that could've happened for me at the time. I just didn't realize it then.
okay moving on lmao this is the weirdest birthday letter i've ever written
ok actually its 3 am so ima continue this another day LOL
okay now it's june 15 and I'm sitting at my desk at my internship in Shanghai. oops.
Let me just finish writing this first.
Honestly Tiana, you still have so much to grow and so much to work on. You make so many dumb mistakes and you make them over and over again (smh @ u), and i hope you make so many more this upcoming year. EMBRACE THE MISTAKES OK (but also pls eventually learn from them)
I feel like you (I???) 've already learned so much in this past year so don't stop here. Keep doing stupid stuff, learn from it, stop doing it, and do other stuff that's not as stupid k.
There's so many questions I want to ask my future self
Do you like accounting?? Oh god I hope I do because otherwise I have no idea what I'll be doing in my future. If so, DID YOU APPLY/GET INTO MPA but i guess I wouldn't know by this time of the year yet....so nvm. What are you doing this summer? Please tell me you got an internship ok but you know what its ok if you didn't too as long as you are doing something productive and not just sitting on your ass at home.
I wonder what it was like rooming with kaylee/anna/tonya this year. oh god I hope it didn't tear us apart:///
Also what happened with...?? i think deep inside you know how you feel and you know what to do. except rn i actually don't lol
pls stop paying attention to boys and pay more attention to those already around u who care for u
also please take care of yourself.
this is really lame i apologize to anyone who read this.
update coming soon!! (or maybe not we shall see)
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