things i love

Saturday, February 27, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

1. Wendy's chicken nuggets
2. Bougie water
3. Volunteering
4. Deep conversations at 2am on school nights
5. Not spending my Saturday studying and learning fucking econ and chinese
6. not boys


Wednesday, February 24, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

i fucking hate myself and feelings

also brian is a good friend

and kaylee

not an update pt II

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

10:48 pm and 17% left on my mac, gg

yet I'm still wasting time and charge by writing this post LOL

egh I have stuff to do but's not due tomorrow so I don't have to do it today...right....

oh god don't judge even I don't know why ok but lately I've been listening to 1D and DON'T JUDGE ME OK!!

like I get so embarrassed every time it pops up on my phone but like you know what fuck what others think THEY ARE V CATCHY

not much to update. Actually I do, but I need the pictures so I'll probably post one sometime this weekend. OH HAPPY FEBRUARY BTW

ok ill stop screwing around now

michelle & fam are coming to see me this Friday so we'll see how that goessss

justin are you still reading this

literally i cannot believe you knew about my blog this whole time smh